Sub-Adult Group
Sub-Adult Group
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General Information | |
Organization Type |
Government/Bureaucracy |
Scale |
17 (Partial Galactic) |
Founder(s) |
Leader(s) |
Historical Information | |
Formed From | COMPOR |
Founding |
19 BBY |
Other Information | |
Era(s) | Rise of the Empire Era |
Affiliation |
- Era: Rise of the Empire Era
- Source: Home
The Sub-Adult Group (SAGroup) is the largest branch of COMPNOR. SAGroup has recently exceeded two trillion members, and it is still growing. SAGroup Headquarters (SAGroupHQ) most resembles the original COMPNOR, an enthusiastic group who firmly believes the New Order is the best regime for the galaxy.
Other branches of COMPNOR often recruit from SAGroup, but most other communication with the other branches is carefully screened by the Internal Affairs Branch of the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB). SAGroup is intentionally kept ignorant of most of the darker aspects of the Empire.
Those in SAGroup headquarters coordinate all of the communications for the divisions under them. They do the job but not very efficiently. There is a tradition of mishandled communications which are passed along as folklore to new members of SAGroup.
Divisions of the Sub-Adult Group
The Sub-Adult Group is divided into several divisions, called programs, which themselves are can be further subdivided based on function and sphere of control.
Sub-Adult Group Education Program
The program which gained COMPNOR a positive reputation on thousands of worlds, SAGEducation succeeds in bringing learning to billions of young beings who had fallen into the cracks during the breakup of the Old Republic. It is largely unaffected by the changes in the rest of the organization, and continues to be popular on almost every world served by SAGroups.
The personnel of SAGEducation are as dedicated as those in SAGroupHQ, but they are better organized. They believe in the future of the New Order, and they believe in teaching their charges to become as well educated as they can in order to be better galactic citizens. Many of the educators have been surprised that this attitude has caused the occasional confrontation with the ISB. The continued popularity of SAGEducation has moderated the ISB reaction, but some of the educators are emboldened to surreptitiously question the New Order. The ISB will respond.
Sub-Adult Group Recreation Program
SAGRecreation was created to provide wholesome activities for member beings. Wegsphere is their one real triumph, a competitive sport which has caught on in thousands of systems. Everything else suggested by SAGroupHQ is often ignored by the SAGRec personnel.
Some branches of SAGRec have been filled with future CompForce hopefuls. These SAGRecs engage in harsh physical training and wargames as an introduction to military training. Some have been reputed to hold exercises with blasters, casually ignoring the removal of the stunsafes which prevent lethal fire.
Sub-Adult Group Motivation Program
Some of the SAGroup members fail to live up to the ideals of the New Order. If such behavior is persistent they are sent here to learn how to become useful citizens supportive of the New Order. The reported success rate of the motivation section at reforming recalcitrant SAGroupers is nearly a five-fold exaggeration. The motivation section's reputation for making sure no troublemakers are released before their compliance with the New Order is assured is not an exaggeration.
Sub-Adult Group Recruitment Program
This group is gently wriggling from the control of SAGroupHQ, goaded by support from the ISB. Their activities are at an all-time high, sometimes offering impressive incentives to parents to have their offspring join SAGroup. The goals over the next five Standard years is to have membership in SAGroup swell to 10 trillion.